5 Comments for this entry

  • xxdanlongxx

    I would really like to see shirts that have the
    Phoenix Online Game Development logo on them as well as episodic shirts for TSL. Also shirts with nice rendered versions of the lesser known npc’s in TSL would be awesome. Maybe the dancing flowers!!

    Dont forget Infiltrator! Infiltrator shirts with the ship on the sleeve would be cool if that’s doable.

    I am a big guy and wear 5XL shirts, so anything in that size, I would totally pay extra for!

  • Aringel

    Better be an Adventure Graham hat complete with feather :), Ill post later for the other categories later.

  • BeaSong

    T shirt for sure! I’d wear a visor and use a mug with delight!

  • Haids1987

    Okay, I’d most definitely rock anything you guys put out, but bags would be amazing. And then, ooh, ooh! And then you could have design contests for what they would look like. T-shirts would be rad too, for similar reasons. However, here are a few other suggestions:

    -Pajama bottoms; if little teenybopper girls can flaunt that they’re Team Edward on their booty, I want to flaunt my Team Alexander status!
    -Aluminum water bottles!!! <—– This one is a PLEASE. I carry mine with me everywhere I go, and frankly, I'd be a lot more excited carrying a TSL water bottle around with me.
    -Pieces of flair: buttons, stickers, etc. Enough said.

  • colin

    I think posters would be neat.