Diehard Game FAN reviews Episodes 1 + 2!

by on Sep.30, 2010, under news, tsl

A review has come out from Diehard GameFAN covering the first two episodes of TSL, and they had some very nice things to say!

The music score is definitely appropriate and sets a melancholy mood as King Graham travels through the Green Isles. The voice acting is well done, and the narrator’s saucy reprimands when you attempt to touch things you shouldn’t bring the humor of the original Sierra games to mind.
A lot of love and effort obviously went into this project and you can feel it from the details, such as in-jokes about other Sierra games, references to earlier games in the King’s Quest series and the immense amount of dialogue. Unless you’re already immersed into the mythology and lore of the series, this may be an awkward point to jump into the game, but it also might make a new player want to hunt down some of the older games.

Read the rest of the review here!

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