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Day 5

Started by Joey13, October 17, 2014, 05:56:06 AM

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I can't finish Day 5 as ma1trix said in another post:

[spoiler]I can't finish Day 5. I'm trying to get Mosely to reopen the case, I have shown him the article and the matching scales however when I try to show him Hartridge's notes nothing happens. The game also won't let me show him the completed veve[/spoiler]


Do not accept [spoiler]reconstructed veve[/spoiler]? Weird!


Yeah, I'm having the exact same issue. I think I'm doing to download the end of Day 5 save from the autosave bug thread to finish it.


I downloaded the Day 5 savegame and I finished the game. This problem

[spoiler]hartridge's notes and give recontructed veve to Mosely[/spoiler]

was the only problem I had in the whole game.

We'll have to wait to the patch to finish the game without problems.